
Many users of many types

27 Mar 2015

This post is part of a series of Rules of thumb for writing Agile Stories

There’s a problem with the “As a user…” that never sat right with me. Who is the user? What defines a user? I think there’s too much focus only on the “typical” user, the person sitting in front of a browser registering to vote, or viewing their Driving License, etc.

I don’t agree.

I define a user as: “someone who will use a product of our teams work to do something”

It’s a pretty loose definition but it covers all the “typical” users but also some of the groups I see ignored when we talk about users. These include:

Your Support team who will read your logs, code, and documentation to fix bugs and improve the service.

Your Service team who will use your analytics, dashboards, and admin interfaces to support the running of the service in live.

Any Developers making other things, who will use your APIs to fulfill their users needs and provide business value to their company.

These people are often ignored in the consideration of a “typical” user. Any stories written for them often get shoehorned into a more “typical” user need.

As I mentioned in Rule 3 - Who-What-Why not Who-What-What when you hide the real reason, or in this case the real user, you prevent the team from fully understanding the Need behind it.

The Team are never the user. It was pointed out on twitter that I hadn’t stated this explicitly. The people who build the thing, the Developers, the Business Analysts, the Designers, aren’t covered by my definition of a user. It’s their responsibility to understand and fulfill the users needs and so they don’t get to have stories.

If the Developers want something we need to write a story that states what user need or business need is fulfilled by it. If we can’t find a need then we shouldn’t do it because we would just be wasting time. For example, we are often tempted to put building a Continuous Integration pipeline into a “As a Developer…” story. Instead we should tie this to a business need:

In order to be able to react quickly when things go tits up
the delivery team
will need to be capable of deploying to production within 5 minutes

This post is part of a series of Rules of thumb for writing Agile Stories

This post has been edited on 4/4/2015. You can read the history of this post on github.