Scrum board headers

These are some useful headers that can be printed and placed above each column in your scrum board. You can't have a discplined team without a discplined Scrum board.

Each header includes a description of what each column means so that anyone not familiar with Scrum or Agile can understand what the purpose of the board.


Just hit print (Ctrl + p or Cmd + p) and print these out in Landscape.

The CSS is set up to print each header and description on a separate A4 page.

This explanation won't be printed.

To Do

What's left of what we have committed to deliver this iteration


What is currently in progress


What we have delivered this iteration


What we'd like to deliver in Alpha


What we might deliver, at some point, maybe

Next Sprint

What we are planning to deliver next iteration


Things we can't work on because of other things stopping us